Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Great Escape... Almost.

TYPICALLY... All singers get Sunday off. You know, a day of rest after a long busy week. All I had on Saturday was a coaching that was done by 2pm. So, I had this genius idea to come home for the weekend. I was so excited. I could see people I loved, find more music, play with my dog, and just take a break from Chautauqua. My roommate, who has been here for four years now, even told me to go. No one ever gets scheduled on a Sunday. I eagerly packed, hurriedly copied down directions from mapquest, and ran to my car. I made it to Pennsylvania before my roommate called to tell me that I got called into a class at 10am the next day. I had to turn around... Worst feeling ever. Although I desperately longed to be home on Sunday the class was very helpful. It was a class built upon viewpoints. The director of our operas here, John (his last name escapes me), led the class. We started with a twenty minute yoga warmup to get our bodies ready. Then we had to make lines as curves with our limbs. That meant full body. Then we ad to make shapes. Imagine yourself tasting your body into crazy positions... That's what I was doing. I had to figure out my body in space. I also learned about tempo in life. I had to pick a motion that I do in everyday life and try it at different speeds: medium, fast, super fast, slow, super slow. We wrapped up the class by understanding kin esthetic energy. As a group we had to work and respond to events like a school of fish-- this is easier said than done. The class was only a few hours long, but it flew by... Then i had the rest of the day to myself. I was sad to stay here for the weekend. It is a fabulous experience and a wonderful opportunity, but it wasn't much fun to turn around when I was on my way home. 

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